Unreal Megajam Complete!
Well we did it! Our first game as a studio. As many in indie dev know the road to funding, and even sustainable revenue is long and uncertain; but today I and some select members of the Underground Imagix team can bask in the glory of a job (for the most part) well done. It's a nice feeling, the completion of a thing. As a screen writing professor of mine once said, "You don't want to write a screen play, you want to have written a screen play. Everyone in this town is writing a screen play, but only a handful can actually claim to have written one. The difference is in the finish. Finish. Your. Script." So now we find ourselves among the glorious group of intrepid creators who can say we made a game. We finished...for now. As many can probably attest, you always know what you want to do better, where you came up short, and what you'd like to see or do given more time. We got ideas in that regard in spades! But today we celebrate.
PsychoBall was a truly collaborative effort between its creators, and all of us are artists with maybe the chops of 1/4 of a programmer between two of us. Needless to say, we had to work with what was there, and we had to both understand our limitations (time, code/script/blueprint know-how, first timers) and play as much to our strengths as possible (accomplished artists, decent designers, and generally smart with time management). I'm proud of what we've accomplished and I'm excited to do more!
Underground Imagix is a small game dev, distributed but our home is in Colorado by and large. We're scrappy and many of us are fresh and ready to get things done. I'm probably the most seasoned of all of us, with about 25 years of experience as an artist in games; and I hope to take that experience and build something new here in my native home, something different than the old and tired game dev and business models of the industry past. Until now, there has never been more powerful tools available for game devs to tell the stories and create the experiences they always wanted. It is a great democratization. "Triple-A" development is in the hands of the masses now. It doesn't take an army of 100 or even 1000 people to make something close to the latest Assassin's Creed. However, that puts even more of a focus on game design and making games that tap into our collective psychologies. Underground Imagix seeks to find new ways to engage, illuminate and entertain. This is our first step. We hope you can see the seed of our intention with PsychoBall, and we wish to invite you along on our journey.
Follow us on Twitter and Instagram, @Uground_Imagix, check out our youtube; and stop by our webpage to sign up for our newsletter to be notified of progress on our various internal projects. We're building a collective and we hope you'll be a part! Here's to the strange and dangerous journey ahead! What's adventure without a bit of risk? More to come...
~Brian (Founder/Artist/Animator)